• AFDA Summer Events 2025 will go live March 10th.
  • AFDA Fall 2025-2026 will go live May 15th.
  • Younger Spring Show - May 17th at JE Broyhill Civice Auditorium, 3:oopm
  • Older Spring Show - May 17th at JE Broyhill Civic Auditorium, 7:00pm

Studio Policy & Classroom Etiquette

Studio Policies

On behalf of Ann Freeman Dance Academy and its Faculty, I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm and sincere "WELCOME" to each of you.

If you have been with us before, you are familiar with our policies. If you are a newcomer to the Academy, we want to let you know that our policies are intended to ensure that every student receives the utmost attention, an opportunity to advance, and to support the disciplines so vital to the success of every personal achievement. We are pleased that you have selected our school and pledge ourselves to justify the confidence you place in us.

Please note that all decisions applicable to the studio are made by me, Jackie Olson (Owner). If you have questions concerning the studio policies, contact me directly, and I will be happy to try to help you get the right answer to your questions.

General Information

  • NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THE STUDIO. This applies to everyone. Do not bring snacks for siblings unless you take them to your car to eat.
  • NO SOLICITING allowed on the premises.
  • Regardless of their assigned class, all students will be evaluated every two months. If any student is not on the required level that benefits them, said student will be assigned to another class on his/her level.
  • ALL SMALL CHILDREN MUST BE SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT WHILE IN THE WAITING ROOM. No loud noises, jumping on the furniture, or running around.
  • Please do not interrupt the instructors while class is in session. Their time belongs to the students.
  • Take pride in your studio and help us keep it clean by using the trash cans and not leaving your personal belongings behind. This includes used magazines and newspapers.
  • PARENT'S VISITATION week will be in January. We do not allow parents or friends to observe classes as we have a short amount of time to get many things done, and we need the students' attention. But we invite you into class in December to observe the student's class and what they have accomplished.
  • WE HAVE A TWO-STORY BUILDING. If your child's classes are in the lower studios, please use the parking area at the back of the building. Do not block incoming and outgoing traffic on the side drive or in the upper parking area.
  • NO PARKING IN FRONT OF THE FRONT DOORS. By order of the Fire Marshall, these are fire doors and must not be blocked

Bad Weather Policy

  • If inclement weather is predicted on your child's dance day, please check this website (lower left-home page) and our Facebook or Instagram pages after 1:00 pm. Because our students live in multiple counties and school districts, a decision will NOT be made until after 1:00 pm.

Newsletter and Other Information

  • Our monthly newsletter is sent out through email.
  • Each waiting area has a TV that will run our monthly newsletters.
  • Be sure to join our "Band" app, which will update you with weather closings and answers to general questions.
  • Our dance families have access to our "Communication" Hub, where you can find information for the entire dance year.


  • ALL PAYMENTS FOR CLASSES ARE DUE ON THE 10TH OF EACH MONTH. You may now pay "online" or at the front desk, but payments must be received by 8:00 PM on the 10th.
    The computer program will automatically add a $12 late charge regardless of the date on the check.
    Students whose payments are more than two months in arrears will be dropped.
  • Make all checks payable to Ann Freeman Dance Academy or "A.F.D.A." There will be a $35 charge for all returned checks and a request from our office that all payments be made in cash thereafter.
  • Fees for missed classes are not reduced. Make-up classes are available, and special arrangements can be made for prolonged illness.
  • Our dance year consists of at least 34 lessons, rehearsals, and a recital. Please note that the months with five lessons more than compensate for any months with fewer than four lessons due to holidays.


For each level of class at AFDA, we have a specific "color" of uniform. Please see the
the following list, or go to our DanceWear Store (link below).

For Preschool & Kinder - Black or pink leotards.

Pink tights Pink or tan tights
Pink ballet shoes Pink ballet shoes
Black tap shoes Tan tap shoes

For Level 1 & 2 Students: Black or light blue leotards

Pink tights Pink or tan tights
Pink ballet shoes Pink ballet shoes
Black tap shoes Tan tap shoes

For Level 3 & 4 Students: Black or Magenta leotards

Pink or tan tights Pink or tan tights
Pink ballet shoes Pink ballet shoes
Tan tap shoes Tan tap shoes

For Level 5 & 6 Students: Black or lavender leotards
Pink ballet shoes
Tan tap shoes
Tan jazz shoes.
Pointe shoes (by permission only) Bare Feet for Lyrical I and II

For Lyrical/Modern: Leotards in studio colors (black, pink, light blue, lavender, or magenta)

Bare Feet for Lyrical I and II; Foot Thong IIIs for Modern class.

For Hip Hop Classes: Clothes to move in easily

Hip Hop Sneakers or tennis shoes

For our Young Men: Black pants
White t-shirts
Black ballet shoes
Black tap shoes
Black jazz shoes

Other Attire Information

  • All female students must wear tights and leotards for class.
  • No shorts, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, T-shirts, etc., and no half-tops are allowed in the studio.
  • During the last week of the month, your child may wear a color leotard of their choice. However, the leotard must be in good taste. (No two-piece)
  • Dance shoes are not to be worn outside. This is not good for the shoes or the wood dance floor.

AFDA Dancewear Store - Click Here
Click Here


  • All girls' hair must be pulled back neatly before class. Students in Level 5-8 classes must have their hair in a bun for ballet.
  • NO JEWELRY TO BE WORN IN CLASS. Please leave valuables at home.


  • Regular attendance is a must. Each class builds upon the last, so it is easy to fall behind.
  • We intend to make every effort to keep classes starting and ending on time.
  • Students should arrive no more than 10 minutes before their lesson begins and be picked up promptly after each lesson.